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case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 3 Felony Theft - Dismissed after negotiation with District Attorney

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Domestic Violence Harassment - Dismissed after negotiations with District Attorney

case-result-icon Not Guilty

Attempted Murder - Not Guilty; First Degree Assault - Pled down to misdemeanor with unsupervised probation at trial

case-result-icon Not Guilty

Careless Driving Causing Injury - Found not guilty at trial

case-result-icon Probation Only

Class 1 Drug Felony Cases - Negotiated down from 8-32 years in prison to probation only

case-result-icon Misdemeanor with Probation

Class 4 Felony Strangulation and Child Abuse - Negotiated down to misdemeanor with probation

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 5 Felony Accessory to Sexual Assault and Child Abuse - Case dismissed and sealed prior to trial

case-result-icon Probation Only

First Degree Assault and Habitual Domestic Violence Abuser - Negotiated down to probation only

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 5 Felony Illegal Discharge of a Firearm - Dismissed after arrest prior to formal filing of charges

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 4 Felony Assault on a Peace Officer - Dismissed and sealed just prior to trial

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 1 Misdemeanor 3rd Degree Assault Domestic Violence - Dismissed and case sealed just prior to trial

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Client with 2 Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Cases - Both cases dismissed and sealed before trial

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 4 Felony Strangulation - Dismissal and case sealed

case-result-icon Misdemeanor

Attempted First Degree Assault - Misdemeanor with unsupervised probation negotiated the week before trial

case-result-icon Probation Only

Class 1 Drug Felonies - Deferred Sentence to Class 4 Drug Felony, Probation

case-result-icon Petty Offense

Class 4 Felony Assault on a Peace Officer - Negotiated to petty offense criminal mischief

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 4 Felony Assault on a Peace Officer - Dismissal and case sealed

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 1 Misdemeanor Domestic Violence 3rd Degree Assault - Dismissal and case sealed

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Unregistered Vehicle and No Insurance - Case dismissed

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 4 Felony Second Degree Assault on a Peace Officer - Dismissal and case sealed prior to trial

case-result-icon Case Dismissed

Class 4 Felony Second Degree Assault Domestic Violence - Dismissal and case sealed just prior to trial