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Understanding your rights and obligations when encountering police officers is incredibly important. One question that often arises is whether Colorado is a “stop and identify” state. Colorado is in fact a stop and identify state, but it’s helpful to know what this means and what your obligations are. When are you required to show ID
If you suspect that someone has pressed charges against you, it is important that you take prompt, proactive steps to protect your rights and begin mounting a defense. The Colorado Springs defense attorneys at Anaya & Chadderdon, P.C. have more than 30 years of experience. During that time they have achieved significant results, including preventing
The dismissal of a criminal case is the ideal outcome for anyone facing charges. It immediately ends the possibility of a stressful trial. It can also leave the option of a future expungement on the table. Like any strong defense, however, dismissals don’t come out of thin air. And prosecutors won’t automatically dismiss criminal charges
It appears a San Diego woman accused of vehicular manslaughter following a crash after smoking marijuana is using the defense that the dispensary budtenders where she bought the product were poorly trained and inexperienced about conveying the dangers of it. The 33-year-old San Diego student who was catastrophically impaired by the crash she allegedly caused,
Do you enjoy getting together with friends in Colorado and having a few cold beers or other libations on a summer’s night? If so, it’s safe to assume many other readers share your interests. Whether you meet up at your favorite local restaurant or attend a sporting event or concert together, it may be just
When Jay Z released The Black Album in 2004, the single “99 Problems” became one of the most talked about songs of the decade. An entire generation grew up knowing all the words and singing along: “Well, my glove compartment is locked, so is the trunk and the back / And I know my rights
In our last blog we talked about how to calculate parole eligability based on the type of conviction. A major concern with our criminal defense clients is if they receive credit for time served. According to C.R.S. 17-22.5-403 (2); If the date of offense is between July 1, 1987 and June 30, 2004, and you